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Traffic cops in Lucknow to study ‘choke points’, create SOP for jam-free crossings

LUCKNOW Cops deployed at crossings will study the nature of traffic related problems and leverage the information to detect and mitigate issues ranging from vehicle breakdowns obstructing roads to congestion due to weather and create a standard operating procedure (SOP), which will be used as a yardstick in managing the traffic of that particular crossing. The new system has been implemented by deputy commissioner of police (traffic), Prabal Pratap Singh, who took charge on Wednesday.
“Traffic cops are tasked to study the day-to-day problems of the crossings where they are stationed. They will outline the problems and the solutions that they implemented in decongesting the spots,” he told HT.
He added, “After the research, they will make a proper standard operating procedure (SOP), which will be further used as a yardstick in managing the traffic of that particular crossing.”
According to the traffic department, the new measure has already been implemented after a meeting regarding this was held with traffic constables.
The new set of cops to be deployed at crossings will also follow the same SOP, said the DCP.
“No one knows the core problems of a particular crossing than the person who is handling it. For instance, the nature of traffic jams at Polytechnic Crossing will not be the same as that at Awadh crossing and also the person managing traffic could have different ways to tackle it. This idea was devised so that cops come up with the solutions to particular problems. When a new lot of cops is deployed at any crossing, they will already have a set of SOPs to be followed,” he explained.
